Most recent photos (2013) taken with a 85mm Zeiss T*FL scope with 20-60x eyepiece coupled with a Nikon V1 digital camera. If you would like to purchase prints of any of the below photos please contact me for pricing. Not every photo below is worthy of print quality! All photos below © Rob Fowler. Updated 6 September 2013. Added photos White-winged Dove, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, and Semipalmated Sandpipers to the "Recent Northwestern CA Rarities" gallery. Also added a photo of California Quail to the "Western Specialties" gallery.
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You can also visit my flickr page.
Western Specialties
Some photos of the Western Specialties from Northwestern California arranged in current taxonomic order.
Recent Northwestern CA rarities
Photos added as rarities appear. All photos of rarities from Northwestern California.